Aman Ki Asha - Great Initiative

  3 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Social Bonding between India and Pakistan

Petitioner: India Petition started on January 21, 2010

Aman Ki Asha - Great Initiative

Aman Ki Asha - An Initiative by Times of India and The JUNG Group of Pakistan for peach and social bonding between two nations i.e. India and Pakistan.

In Times of India's voice:
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The two leading media houses of India and Pakistan - The Times of India and the Jang Group - have come together to develop a stronger Track 2 in the diplomatic and cultural relations between India and Pakistan. "Aman ki Asha: Destination Peace" looks beyond the confines of a 62-year-old political boundary to the primal bonds that tie together the two peoples.

Till now it has come as great bonding effort and proving its worth in time of political mis understandings.

Why Can't People Live in Peace - expressed better by their cultural programs and various events organised.

We seek support from every citizen to come closer and help in bonding between two Nations.