सबको शिक्क्षा का मिले अधिकार ,ये है हम सबकी मांग

  0 (Goal: 5,000)

Petitioning: जनता की आवाज ,हमारे बच्चों को मिले गुणवत्ता पु्रण शिक्क्ï¿

Petitioner: Dr mahendra VERMA started on July 13, 2017

This is to demand one of your branch / school in my town Unchahar for proper elementary education to the children's of Unchahar
There are private institutions which are mushrooming in the town indirectly robbing the poor parents so there is need for institutions which offers quality education at accepted cost

The schools operating in Ntpc premises are same ,firstly costly education secondly admission is so difficult ,our local public has to beg before the Ntpc official s for admission to institutions
Further they argue that school is for wards and child's of Ntpc employees

Our Unchahar is full of talented and intellectual children's but are not able to get education due to economic reasons