Stop bothering Junta with over propaganda

  0 (Goal: 1,000)

Petitioning: Bhartiya Junta Party

Petitioner: Petition Voice started on April 3, 2009

BJP has started a flooding mobiles in NCR region with advertisements of L K Advani's website. Despite subscribing to National Do Not Disturb people have been getting messages from 'BJP' endorsing Advani's blog. This is a constant harassment of public in the name of propaganda. No political party or person has the right to disturb the privacy of public and be intrusive in their propaganda. With same messages repeating themselves over and over again every second day, it has gone well above limits.

BJP is requested to be sensible and not bother the electorate so much as to come to square terms with public. Their strategy of cajoling public might backfire if overdone.